Dosar de carton colorat, cu șină pentru stocarea documentelor perforate. Copcile speciale permit arhivarea sa în biblioraft sau caiet mecanic cu 2 ine..
Un secol de existenta si munca de pionierat sunt ingredientele ce stau la baza unuia dintre cele mai apreciate instrumente de scris Montegrappa, o intoarcere la radacinile si viziunea fondatorului marcii italiene – Helmuth “Elmo” Heinrich. Totodata, la un secol de la desavarsirea unirii Romaniei, Lu..
La Montegrappa, noi credem cu tarie ca norocul este legat de virtute si educatia oamenilor ca fundament pentru dezvoltarea talentelor lor innascute, in timp ce scrisul este elementul esential pentru evolutia lor. Numele dat acestei colectii vrea sa fie un semn bun pentru proprietarii acestor stilour..
Graf von Faber-Castell impress again with their Pen of the Year 2017. This year's offering features two Viking-inspired fountain pens, including a special limited edition.The masterly craftsmanship of the Vikings ushered in a new epoch and Graf von Faber-Castell have successfully incorporated this s..
Graf von Faber-Castell impress again with their Pen of the Year 2017. This year's offering features two Viking-inspired fountain pens, including a special limited edition.The masterly craftsmanship of the Vikings ushered in a new epoch and Graf von Faber-Castell have successfully incorporated this s..
Graf von Faber-Castell's acclaimed Pen of the Year series returns with another outstanding limited edition piece. Featuring white 'statuario' marble from Carrara or black 'Nero Marquina' marble from Biscay, the 2018 model celebrates an epoch that saw an empire spread across three continents, forever..
Graf von Faber-Castell's acclaimed Pen of the Year series returns with another outstanding limited edition piece. Featuring white 'statuario' marble from Carrara or black 'Nero Marquina' marble from Biscay, the 2018 model celebrates an epoch that saw an empire spread across three continents, forever..
The 2019 Pen of the Year from Graf von Faber-Castell takes inspiration from the precious materials and meticulous processes used by traditional Japanese sword makers. The Magnolia wood and Black Edition variations both feature an engraving in in 24-carat gold varnish along the barrel of a quote by M..
The 2019 Pen of the Year from Graf von Faber-Castell takes inspiration from the precious materials and meticulous processes used by traditional Japanese sword makers. The Magnolia wood and Black Edition variations both feature an engraving in in 24-carat gold varnish along the barrel of a quote by M..
Graf von Faber-Castell's Pen of the year 2020 magnificently celebrates the Greek heroes of Sparta and their king Leonidas, encapsulating the essense of the Spartans through physical representations of the tradition, bravery, precision and willpower that made the small province of Sparta the stronges..
Graf von Faber-Castell's Pen of the year 2020 magnificently celebrates the Greek heroes of Sparta and their king Leonidas, encapsulating the essense of the Spartans through physical representations of the tradition, bravery, precision and willpower that made the small province of Sparta the stronges..
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